Shortcut For Changing Text From All Caps Mac

  1. Shortcut For Changing Text From All Caps Macs
  2. Shortcut To Change Text To All Caps
  3. Shortcut For All Caps Mac

Insert selected text into Change To box: Cmd-F2: Replace selected text with Change To text: Cmd-F3: Replace selected text with Change To text and Find Next: Shift-F3: Working with Panels: Highlight the first option in the Control panel: Cmd-6: Toggle Control panel between Character & Paragraph options: Cmd-Opt-7: Apply a value but keep it. Select the text for which you want to change the case. Go to Home Change case. Do one of the following: To capitalize the first letter of a sentence and leave all other letters as lowercase, click Sentence case. To exclude capital letters from your text, click lowercase. If we wish to use the Heading 1 style, but we wish it to be in all upper case letters, right-click on the Heading 1 style and select Modify. In the Style dialog box, click the Format button. In the Format Cells dialog box, select the Font tab and set the font to the desired ALL CAPS font. You can also use this opportunity to set the font color, underline color, border color, etc.

This problem has been plaguing me for years. In emails from my phone when signing off, the iPhone would autocorrect my name Tyler to TYLER. Sooo annoying haha, few times I would type fast and hit send forgetting to correct it and I had clients laugh back going, woah, we get it, you're the one typing this email. Never became a problem, but obviously doesn't look super professional.

Anyhow, I looked around everywhere for a fix and while I saw many others having the same issue and bring up the question, no one ever had a solution. I finally found a bandaid for this issue that's worked. From what I can tell you have to do it as I did, no tweaking of caps or spaces and it works.

Go to Settings -> General -> Keyboards -> Text Replacement

Then hit the + icon, and make your text replacement as follows (using my name as an example)

Phrase: Tyler

Shortcut: tyler

No other spaces. See the image below. Mine only had issues with my name, but I saw reports of people having issues with multiple names. Repeat this solution for any that are getting Auto Capped. Hope this helps!

Posted on Oct 3, 2018 11:46 AM

Hi Raymond,

Shortcut For Changing Text From All Caps Mac

I believe the commands are the same for Pages '08 as Pages '09:

Shortcut For Changing Text From All Caps Macs

Shortcut for changing text from all caps macbook

You can quickly make blocks of text all uppercase or lowercase or format text as a title.

Shortcut To Change Text To All Caps

To change text capitalization:

  1. Select the text you want to change, or click where you want to type new text.

  2. Choose Format > Font > Capitalization and choose an option from the submenu.

    • All Caps:

      Choose to change the text to capitals.

    • Small Caps:

      Choose to change the text to smaller capitals with larger capitals for uppercase letters.

    • Title:

      Choose to change the text to a title format, which capitalizes the first letter of each word.

    • None:

      Choose to change text from all capitals to initial caps. For example, the first character in the first word of a sentence is capitalized, but the rest of the text is lowercase.

Shortcut For All Caps Mac


- Judy

Nov 18, 2014 2:54 PM