Preview For Mac Underlining Text When Highlight Text Selected

Preview For Mac Underlining Text When Highlight Text Selected

Choose the Line tool, and underline any text you like. Click on any line you've made so that the grey dots appear at the ends of the selected line, highlighting the annotation. Change the color of the selected line segment using the color tool. Repeat as necessary. Preview For Mac Underlining Text When Highlight Text Selected Text Sep 25, 2019 Besides the powerful viewing, creation and editing, you can highlight your text in an easy way. It comes together with other exciting annotating features like underline, strikeout text, the addition of sticky notes and addition of text.

MacSelectedUsing a VoiceOver command:
  1. To open the rotor to verbosity settings, press VO-V.

    Verbosity settings include typing echo, punctuation, and text attributes, among others.

  2. Press the Left Arrow or Right Arrow key until you hear “punctuation.” You also hear the current setting.
  3. Press the Up Arrow or Down Arrow key until you hear the setting you want: All, Most, Some, or None.
  4. All: Hear all special symbols and punctuation except for spaces. VoiceOver reads a sentence like this, “She turned and stopped comma then started walking again period”

    Most: Hear all special symbols but not common punctuation, such as the comma and period.

    Some: Hear keyboard symbols and many math symbols, such as + (plus) sign.

    None: Hear text as you would normally read it, with pauses for commas and periods.

  5. To close the rotor, press Escape.
Using VoiceOver Utility:

Preview For Mac Underlining Text When Highlight Text Selected Text

  1. When VoiceOver is on, open VoiceOver Utility by pressing VO-F8.
  2. Click Verbosity in the category table, and then click Text.
  3. Move the VoiceOver cursor to the Punctuation pop-up menu and press the Space bar.
  4. Press the Up Arrow or Down Arrow key until you hear the setting you want (None, Some, Most, All), and then press the Space bar.
It's a ridiculous piece of interface nonsense, but the way to remove the highlights is to open the sidebar, select Annotations from the pop-up menu at the bottom of the sidebar to get the list of annotations (and highlights) in the document.
Select the annotation/highlight in the sidebar (it'll have the page number next to it, and selecting it sends you to that page, too) and you'll find that the annotation itself, or in this case the highlight, is selected, and pressing Delete gets rid of it.

Preview For Mac Underlining Text When Highlight Text Selected Formatting

Jul 8, 2008 8:30 PM