Ge Transformer Serial Numbers

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  1. Ge Transformers Catalog
  2. Ge Transformers Manuals
  3. Ge Transformer Serial Numbers Doreen

For Example, the GE Dryer with SN: LR821547C was Manufactured in 2020, June. For Example, the GE Stackable washer and Dryer Model No.: GUD24ESSMWW with SN: RL059433C was Manufactured in August 2018 (F20-014). I have transformer 430-7101.9, class 180(H) R333H,LEI-4 E154515 OJ10. What is the primary. Secondary voltage and it's power AC? General Electric (GE) is a manufacturer of household appliances including: refrigerators, freezers, washers, dryers, dishwashers and stoves. Affixed to each appliance is a serial number plate which can give you information about the age of the appliance.

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Electrical Panel Age:

How to determine the age of a residential electrical service panel by noting information on its data tag and serial number (if present).

We give load center age decoders for various popular electrical panels and load centers including Square D and GE and we refer to additional articles that can help determine the age of an electrical panel by noting clues giving the age of the building and its electrical wiring or other components.

This article series includes links to other methods to determine the age of a building or this equipment and it explains how to estimate the electrical service size, ampacity rating, (or 'electrical power' or 'service amps') at a building by visual examination of the electrical service panel, main switch, and other details.

We also provide a MASTER INDEX to this topic, or you can try the page top or bottom SEARCH BOX as a quick way to find information you need.

In this article series we describe how to recognize different vintages, ages, types of electrical panels and how to find the components that define the ampacity rating of the service equipment.

Determine the Electric Service Panel Ampacity, Age & Type by Visual Inspection

We look for an electrical panel brand, model & data tag (usually paper) or embossed rating (on fuse pull outs) on the panel itself which often includes the amperagerating of the panel.

Watch out: opening or removing the cover from an electrical panel is dangerous: do not touch wires or components inside of an electrical panel or load center without proper training and protective measures. You could be shocked or killed.

For example, home inspectors or electrical inspectors who touch electrical wires or move them in order to better read the data tag are performing a dangerous act.

This information is usually present in newer panels on a panel side, or on the panel cover.

This data tag or one of multiple tags usually found inside the elctrical panel door or cover but sometimes also found inside the electrical panel enclosure itself, perhaps on the interior surface of a the load center or panel side typically provides several categories of information including

  • UL listing
  • Electrical Panel or load center manufacturer
  • Electrical Panel or load center AMPS rating
  • Electrical Panel or load center model number and serial number.

Electrical Panel / Load Center Age Determination from Serial Number

The electrical panel serial number or load center serial number, if present, can usually be de-coded to indicate the month and year of manufacture of the electrical panel, using a panel age decoding scheme that varies by manufacturer.

Here are some panel or load center age decoders for popular electrical panel brands. Contact us (page top or bottom CONTACT link) if you can provide additional electric panel age decoders.

Federal Pacific Electric Panel Age for FPE Stab-Lok equipment, Federal Pioneer &c.

FPE electrical equipment has been sold in North America from the late 1940's to the present if we include the continued sale of Federal Pioneer brand panels in Canada and 'replacement' FPE type circuit breakers by some independent suppliers.
Watch out: These panels, including their currently-sold versions and replacement breakers do not meet the safety and performance of most electrical panels sold under most other brands. See FPE Stab-Lok® : FIRES WAITING TO HAPPEN

FPE STAB-LOK HISTORY - History of Federal Pacific Electric Stab-Lok® ® Electrical Panels & CIrcuit Breakers - 1950 to present

FPE - FEDERAL PACIFIC STAB-LOK ELECTRIC PANELS discusses these latent safety hazards in homes and provides a very detailed history of this product

General Electric Panel & Appliance Age Decoder, also for RCA & Hotpoint Appliance Age Decoding

IF your U.S.-made electrical panel data tags include a GE serial number (as do GE appliances), then you can translate a GE serial number to month and year of manufacture using the following procedure followed by GE based on a twelve-year cycle.

The GE data tag shown here is for a refrigerator, not an electrical panel.

The ZR in the serial number decodes to December, 2008.

GE serial number: first alphabetic character = month of manufacture, in this order:

A - January, D - February, F - March, G - April, H - May, L - June, M - July, R - August, S - September, T - October, V - November, Z - December

GE serial number: second alphabetic character = year of manufacture, in this order

G = 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

H = 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

L = 1982, 1994, 2006

M = 1983, 1995, 2007

R = 1984, 1996, 2008

S = 1985, 1997, 2009

T = 1986, 1998, 2010

V = 1987, 1999, 2011

Z = 1988, 2000, 2012

A = 1989, 2001, 2013

D = 1990, 2002, 2014

Photo: General Electric GE circuit breaker switches in a 1936 home, compliments of Raleigh home inspector Steve Smallman. Mr. Smallman's contact information is at REFERENCES.

Square D Electrical Component Age Decoder

SQUARE D ELECTRIC PANEL AGE DECODER [PDF] Date Code System for Square D Class 110 electrical panels.

The company provides multiple date code systems published in 1992 and used depending on when the electrical panel was produced. Retrieved 2017/10/21, original source, Schneider Electric at Electrical Distribution/Combination Service Entrance Devices/0110PD9201.pdf

Ge transformer serial numbers doreen

There is a pre-1950 date code system, a 1950-1955 date code system, and a 1956 and later date code system.

Example: for a Square D product containing the date code HA065 and estimated (perhaps based on building age) as between 1950 and 1955, the date code translates into Month, Year and Operator Number as H = August, A = 1953 and Operator No. 065.

All of these decode alphabetic and numeric date codes providing detail for later electrical panels that adds to day, month, year of electrical load center manufacture also the operater number and shift.

The Square D Safety Switch label shown above provides an example of this date code system, where H25W0652 decodes to Month, Day of Month, Year, Operator Number & Shift according to a table given in this PDF file.

Zinsco Electrical Panel Age

Ge Transformers Catalog

Zinsco electrical equipment was sold in the U.S. from 1935 to 1984.


Watch out: These panels, including their currently-sold versions and replacement breakers do not meet the safety and performance of most electrical panels sold under most other brands.

Ge transformer serial numbers diagram

See ZINSCO SAFETY PRECAUTIONS GTE Sylvania Zinsco Electrical Panel Safety Precautions for Homeowners and Home Buyers

ZINSCO/SYLVANIA ELECTRICAL PANELS discusses these latent safety hazards in homes.

Reader Comments & Q&A

On 2020-07-18 - by (mod) - AEC/ Amalgamated Electric Corporation Panels related to Federal Pioneer Stab-Lok hazards?

Amalgamated Electric Corporation or AEC took its name from the 'amalgamation' or co-joining of assets of three companies during the Great Depression when in 1929 the new corporation took up the assets of a Toronto machine tool company: W.H. Banfield & Sons Ltd. and two other firms.
In 1955 AEC was purchased by GE Limited (an English corporation) and its name changed to Canadian General Electric or CGE but, I think, AEC continued to produce electrical equipment under the AEC brand.
Watch out: in 1982 AEC's assets and production were sold to Federal Pioneer of Canada, maker of the FP panel brand whose hazards we discuss
FP, originally Pioneer Electric Limited formed in Manitoba in 1946 became FPE-Pioneer Electric Limited effective in 1964, re-naming to Federal Pioneer Limited in 1972 and incorporated in Canada in 1978; In 1990 Federal Pioneer was purchased by Schneider Canada Inc.
I'd need to see a photo of the panel bus an breaker details to know which version of panel is yours, but if you're not an electrician, for safety you should leave that task to an electrician as pulling the cover can, in the worst case, result in fire, shock, injury, or death.
But do pursue the question of whether this panel includes the unsafe FPE / FP Stab-Lok breaker design.

On 2020-07-14 by Lolly

Can anyone tell me the age of this electrical panel by Amalgamated electrical Corp Ltd?
Thank you

On 2020-06-22 by Sherill

What is the age of my GE electric panel?

Ge Transformers Manuals

On 2020-06-22 by George

Above is the serial number, What’s the age of the panel please?

On 2020-05-14 - by (mod) - random times she loses power to half of her house

I suspect a loose connection possibly at one of the witing plugs connecting the left and right halves of the house. Or perhaps a wiring error. Unfortunately I can't diagnose this by e text, you need an on-site electrician.

On 2020-04-20 by Tony

My daughter lives in a house trailer we upgraded the outlets to GFCI in the bathrooms and kitchen area. At random times she loses power to half of her house. No breakers are tripped and no resets need pushed on the GFCI. Cofused.

On 2019-09-05 - by (mod) -

Reader comment by private email:
Great write ups and photos. The only thing I would have added are approx date of the equipment and when the inspection was done.
Alan Bown
Certified IAEI Electrical Inspector

On 2019-01-26 - by (mod) -

Sarah, unless you find evidence of an earlier electrical panel the Federal Electric panel to which the label in your photo was attached is probably original.
See details

and also see
for a detailed listing of historic dates involving FP FE and FPE - all the same product
Watch out: as you will read in that article series, your Federal Electric panel is unsafe, unreliable, may not trip off breakers in response to an overcurrent, and should be replaced.

On 2019-01-26 by Sara

Can anyone help me figure out the age of this Federal Electric breaker box? I am trying to retrace the history of my 1940 home and figure out when the AC 240v outlets were installed. I've attached a photo. Thank you for any help you can offer.
IMAGE LOST by older version of Clark Van Oyen’s useful Comments code - now fixed. Please re-post the image if you can. Sorry. Mod.


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Ge Transformer Serial Numbers Doreen

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Technical Reviewers & References

  • The Original Authors: Alan Carson is an ASHI Member, national home inspection educator, author and building failures researcher in Toronto, Ontario.Daniel Friedman, an original author of this article and the editor and producer of InspectAPedia where this article now appears is an ASHI Member, first ASHI Technical Committee chairman, editor and publisher of the ASHI Technical Journal, licensed home inspector, educator, and building failures researcher in Poughkeepsie, NY.Robert Klewitz is a licensed professional engineer, a professional home inspector, an ASHI Member, and has served on the ASHI Technical Committee as well as in other ASHI activities. His practice is in Issaquah, WA.
  • Steve Smallman, Raleigh, NC, Email:, Website: Tel: 919-669-3639 - Quoting: Steve Smallman Property Inspections (SSPI) inspectors have performed or supervised over 25,000 inspections since we introduced home inspections to the Triangle area in 1980. Mr. Smallman, located in Raleigh N.C., is a contributor to and has commented on or provided information on plumbing traps, electrical wiring, commercial FPE electrical panels and DIY Tests of FPE equipment, roofing underlayment, and building exteriors.
  • ASHI Technical Journal, Vol. 2. No. 1, January 1992, 'Determining Service Ampacity,' Dan Friedman and Alan Carson, and the
  • ASHI Technical Journal, Vol. 3. No. 1, Spring, 1993, 'Determining Service Ampacity - Another Consideration,' Robert L. Klewitz, P.E.,with subsequent updates and additions to the original text ongoing to 2/19/2006. Reprints of the originals and reprints of the Journal are available from ASHI, the American Society of Home Inspectors
  • Mark Cramer Inspection Services Mark Cramer, Tampa Florida, Mr. Cramer is a past president of ASHI, the American Society of Home Inspectors and is a Florida home inspector and home inspection educator. Contact Mark Cramer at: 727-595-4211 11/06
  • Douglas Hansen, Robert Stead. Mark Cramer. Photographs: Daniel Friedman.
  • N. Srinivasan, MSEE, is a senior member of IEEE with 30 years experience in the electrical industry. Mr. Srinivasan is in Vienna VA.
  • Louis P. Babin generously contributed technical editing about the effects of doubling ampacity in an electrical circuit (September 2007)

Books & Articles on Building & Environmental Inspection, Testing, Diagnosis, & Repair

  • Our recommended books about building & mechanical systems design, inspection, problem diagnosis, and repair, and about indoor environment and IAQ testing, diagnosis, and cleanup are at the InspectAPedia Bookstore. Also see our Book Reviews - InspectAPedia.
  • 'Electrical System Inspection Basics,' Richard C. Wolcott, ASHI 8th Annual Education Conference, Boston 1985.
  • 'Simplified Electrical Wiring,' Sears, Roebuck and Co., 15705 (F5428) Rev. 4-77 1977 [Lots of sketches of older-type service panels.]
  • 'How to plan and install electric wiring for homes, farms, garages, shops,' Montgomery Ward Co., 83-850.
  • 'Simplified Electrical Wiring,' Sears, Roebuck and Co., 15705 (F5428) Rev. 4-77 1977 [Lots of sketches of older-type service panels.]
  • 'Home Wiring Inspection,' Roswell W. Ard, Rodale's New Shelter, July/August, 1985 p. 35-40.
  • 'Evaluating Wiring in Older Minnesota Homes,' Agricultural Extension Service, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota 55108.
  • 'Electrical Systems,' A Training Manual for Home Inspectors, Alfred L. Alk, American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI), 1987, available from ASHI. [DF NOTE: I do NOT recommend this obsolete publication, though it was cited in the original Journal article as it contains unsafe inaccuracies]
  • 'Basic Housing Inspection,' US DHEW, S352.75 U48, p.144, out of print, but is available in most state libraries.
  • ...
  • Carson, Dunlop & Associates Ltd., 120 Carlton Street Suite 407, Toronto ON M5A 4K2. Tel: (416) 964-9415 1-800-268-7070 Email: The firm provides professional HOME INSPECTION SERVICES and also extensive HOME INSPECTION EDUCATION and home inspection-related PUBLICATIONS. Alan Carson is a past president of ASHI, the American Society of Home Inspectors.
    Thanks to Alan Carson and Bob Dunlop, for permission for InspectAPedia to use text excerpts from The Home Reference Book & illustrations from The Illustrated Home. Carson Dunlop Associates' provides extensive home inspection education and report writing material.
    The ILLUSTRATED HOME illustrates construction details and building components, a reference for owners & inspectors.
    Special Offer: For a 5% discount on any number of copies of the Illustrated Home purchased as a single order Enter INSPECTAILL in the order payment page 'Promo/Redemption' space.
    TECHNICAL REFERENCE GUIDE to manufacturer's model and serial number information for heating and cooling equipment, useful for determining the age of heating boilers, furnaces, water heaters is provided by Carson Dunlop Weldon & Associates
    Special Offer: Carson Dunlop Associates offers InspectAPedia readers in the U.S.A. a 5% discount on any number of copies of the Technical Reference Guide purchased as a single order. Just enter INSPECTATRG in the order payment page 'Promo/Redemption' space.
  • The HOME REFERENCE BOOK - the Encyclopedia of Homes, Carson Dunlop & Associates, Toronto, Ontario, 25th Ed., 2012, is a bound volume of more than 450 illustrated pages that assist home inspectors and home owners in the inspection and detection of problems on buildings. The text is intended as a reference guide to help building owners operate and maintain their home effectively. Field inspection worksheets are included at the back of the volume.
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    : For a 10% discount on any number of copies of the Home Reference Book purchased as a single order. Enter INSPECTAHRB in the order payment page 'Promo/Redemption' space. editor Daniel Friedman is a contributing author.
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    Special Offer: Carson Dunlop Associates offers InspectAPedia readers in the U.S.A. a 5% discount on these courses: Enter INSPECTAHITP in the order payment page 'Promo/Redemption' space. editor Daniel Friedman is a contributing author.
  • The Horizon Software System manages business operations,scheduling, & inspection report writing using Carson Dunlop's knowledge base & color images. The Horizon system runs on always-available cloud-based software for office computers, laptops, tablets, iPad, Android, & other smartphones
Publisher - Daniel Friedman